Home » Floor Mat Care » 5 Easy Cleaning Tips for Custom Imprinted Floor Mats

Custom floor mats are a great investment for your organization. Not only are the promotional opportunities of a custom mat compared to “generic mats” incredible, wouldn’t it be nice to save that rental fee every month? For many business owners, the one thing that prevents them from taking the leap and purchasing these custom mats is the thought of cleaning the mats “in house.” However, this process is actually much easier than you may think—these tips will help you get started.

  1. Shake it Off – Daily cleaning is easy, just shake out crumbs and dust. You will find that doing this regularly will keep your rug looking great.
  2. Sweep or Vacuum Regularly – To rid your promo mat of deep down dirt, sweeping or vacuuming is recommended. You will find that this simple task takes care of much of the cleaning you will need to do.
  3. Hosing – For a simple wet clean, you can hose off your mat and then let it dry. Many companies like to do this at night, allowing the mats to dry during “off hours” so they will be ready to go once morning arrives.
  4. Steam Cleaning or Pressure Washing – For a more in-depth wet cleaning, our Nylon Dye mats can be cleaned using steam or pressure cleaning equipment. The same machines you use to clean your carpets, or perhaps even your parking lot, could be used on your rugs to remove the remainder of the dirt and dinginess.
  5. Spot-Clean: Our flocked mats may seem difficult to clean, with their felt-like raised imprint, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep them looking beautiful. Simply take a damp warm cloth and wipe the soiled areas.

As you can see, cleaning a custom floor mat isn’t as difficult as you may have believed. Maybe it is time to look into purchasing one or more of these mats for your office. If you are interested in the options available today, call or contact us at PromoMatting and let us help you find the perfect option for your organization!

Author: admin