Guidelines for Artwork Submission
To ensure the best quality reproductions, here are some guidelines to follow when submitting artwork for your mat.
File Formats
Applications Not Supported
Web Graphics such as jpeg, gif or png. PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher or Bmp files are also not accepted.
Pre-Print Prep
It is critical that you either convert all fonts (type) to outlines whenever possible, or include the fonts with your file. Not doing this will result in a delay to your order as we will request that you resubmit art with the fonts outlined or included.

Digital art renders images as a finite number of dots (or pixels) per inch. The size at which a piece of digital art can be reproduced is limited to the resolution of that file, measured in dots per inch, or “dpi.”

To ensure your digital art will not be rejected, be sure your files meet these requirements:
300 dpi – Images such as photographs must be at least 300 dpi in order to produce high quality prints.