To our valued Distributor Partners:
What a year! We sincerely hope you and your business are doing well and staying safe as we roll into Q2 of 2021. The time has just flown!
For most of us, this past year has been like riding a roller coaster blindfolded, never knowing when the next drop will occur. Just between us, we’d really like to get off now! However, as we all know, this coaster is not showing signs of slowing down just yet. Our economy continues to feel the ripple effects of the pandemic: labor shortages, reduced inventories, supply chain delays leading to the allocation of materials in some cases, increased raw material and labor costs, skyrocketing shipping rates, and most recently, corrugated cardboard price increases.
These are challenging times for everyone, and our industry is not unique in this situation. While these challenges have had a less than desirable impact on our service levels and lead times, we have done and will continue to do everything in our control to mitigate the effects of these challenges. On a brighter note, to keep our prices as low as possible, we have absorbed the majority of our increased costs. Check out our revised 2021 Price List – we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how little we’ve changed.
While we do not know what is around the next bend or when this roller coaster ride will end, we do know this:
We remain committed to doing WHATEVER it takes to provide valued clients like you with THE BEST products and customer service possible.
To that end, we:
- Revised sourcing agreements and increased inventory levels.
- Analyzed our manufacturing processes and we are optimizing for greater efficiency.
- Have revised our hiring strategy to combat labor shortages, including increased compensation and innovative partnerships with community organizations.
- Designed our 2021 Product Catalog to be both interactive and customizable, including product videos!
- Completely updated and redesigned our Distributor Portal to keep you updated with the latest lead times, important updates, and marketing materials on demand.
Thank you for your continued partnership. Riding together is definitely more enjoyable and we look forward to celebrating this year with you! We truly appreciate your business and the opportunity to serve you!
Wishing you all the best,