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In regard to the recent global activity surrounding the Covid-19 virus and the potential for business interruption, we at Americo are taking immediate and necessary action in an attempt to minimize any possible impact to our employees and business partners as well as our manufacturing and distribution facilities. Effective immediately, and for the foreseeable future, we will be implementing the following actions with the goal of ensuring the safety and security of our employees while minimizing any potential disruption to our ongoing business:

  • All non-essential access to our production facilities and offices will be restricted. Any non-essential face-to-face meetings will be postponed during this outbreak period. We will make every effort to reschedule any meetings or visits once the Covid-19 situation has stabilized.
Not sure what the symptoms of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) look like? Watch this video on the day by day progression of the coronavirus.
  • We are making every effort to maintain our normal manufacturing, production, and shipping schedules. At this time, there are no disruptions. However, given circumstances that are beyond our control, we can no longer guarantee that your order will be processed and shipped within our normal lead times. If there are any delays in processing your order(s), we will do our best to communicate these delays in a timely manner. We will not be held accountable or responsible for delays during this outbreak period.
  • We are communicating often with our vendors to ensure a timely and adequate supply of raw materials. While the situation remains fluid and may change without notice, we are currently not experiencing any supply-side delays at this time from any of our primary vendors.
  • Many of our sales, sales support, and office personnel have begun working remotely from their homes. Fortunately, Americo has adopted a sophisticated, paperless system that has given us the ability to remote access many of the IT systems that run our business. Most of our in-person meetings are being converted to conference calls, WebEx and SKYPE meetings for the foreseeable future. Since many of our employees will be working remotely, we ask that you communicate via email whenever practical, given the ease of collaboration via this methodology.
  • All sales staff are being instructed to cancel non-essential travel plans and shift all meetings to either teleconference or WebEx in order to minimize exposure to the virus. We apologize for any issues or delays that these new procedures may cause and pledge to work diligently through this crisis to continue providing the products, services, and support you have come to expect from Americo. We will continue to monitor the potential spread of the Covid-19 virus through the CDC and Federal, State, and Local Governments and will keep you informed of any changes in our policies.


Richard Rones
Americo Manufacturing Company

Author: admin